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Year: 1992 – 2007
When the new IACC (International America’s Cup Class) was created in the late 80’s the core group that later formed Trimarine was immediately involved in the construction of these sophisticated racing machines, creating “Il Moro di Venezia I”, sail number “ITA-1”, the first IACC yacht ever built. From the mythical launch in Venice of “Il Moro I” the first yacht of the Italian Challenge captained by Raoul Gardini to the 1992 America’s Cup, to date, we have built 8 of these racing machines. The first Moro was built to a brand new rule of which there was little or no experience, so it was for all of us, design team and builders included the test ground for new ideas born from the interpretation of the IACC rule. A few months latter “ Il Moro di Venezia 2” (ITA-7) was launched, giving the team a trial horse for the first match races of the new class. Quite different from Il Moro 1, she was a relatively light displacement boat at the lower limit of the class rules. One year before the 1992 Cup and just a few weeks before the IAAC World Championships in S. Diego the third Il Moro was launched. An innovative boat, “Il Moro di Venezia 3” benefited from the experience of the first two hulls. With sail number “ITA-15” she was an instant success both for winning the World Championships and for the original opened aft cockpit that extended to the hull sides, a characteristic that became a standard feature of most America’s Cup Yachts ever since. “ Il Moro di Venezia 4” – ITA-16 – A consistently fast boat was practically a carbon copy of Il Moro 3, built with the purpose of comparative testing of different sail plans, keels and other appendages. From all the experimentation done with the previous boats came “ Il Moro di Venezia 5”, that fought the Louis Vuitton Cup to the last tack, winning to “New Zealand” the right to challenge the Americans of “America^3” to the 1992, XXVIII America’s Cup. Since “Il Moro di Venezia 5” (ITA-25) and “Mascalzone Latino” (ITA-72) – built and managed by Trimarine – several years have elapsed. The AC yachts became narrower and in the mean time the America’s Cup moved to the Southern Hemisphere, more exactly to New Zealand where the 31st edition took place with our “Mascalzone Latino” among the challengers. Over the years Trimarine has amassed a significant experience in the construction of this type of yacht and so for the 32nd edition of the America’s Cup in Valencia 2007, we ended up working for two separate challengers. Working as two separate teams in absolute secrecy, in order to assure both challengers of the required confidentiality – Trimarine UK coordinated the construction of the second boat of the Spanish Desafio, building (ESP-97) at King Marine, south of Valencia, while our Italian branch took charge of the tecnical coordination of the Italian challenger Piú 39 (ITA-85). With our participation in the 32nd edition of the America’s Cup in 2007 we proudly count eight IACC vessels under our belt.